Lottery Online is a new service that allows players to purchase lottery tickets online from their state’s official website. The site also offers a variety of instant games and lottery subscriptions. Players can choose a recurring subscription for weeks, months or even a year at a time. These services charge the same price as the traditional lotteries and do not add a premium for online sales.
In addition to allowing players to purchase tickets from the comfort of their home, these websites allow them to compare current jackpots and odds for all of the major lotteries. There are also a number of smaller, lesser-known games available to players. These games typically have smaller jackpots but can still offer significant sums of money to lucky players.
Currently, the states of Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania offer online lottery games. These sites feature a mix of traditional drawing-style games and instant win scratch ticket games. The fastest growing category of online lottery games is the online instant game category. These are casino-like games that can be played on the web and through a mobile app.
MassPack, which represents liquor store owners across Massachusetts, said that it is concerned that a shift to online lottery purchases will further hurt brick-and-mortar stores. The association argues that the lottery’s profit-sharing model with cities and towns — which relies on local sales – is at risk. This is especially true with the state’s move to make ticket purchases online only.