The first step in online poker is to download the poker software. This can take just a few minutes and is usually virus free. Next, create an account. One account is allowed per person. Multi-accounting is against the rules of online poker and can lead to permanent bans. Once you’ve signed up and registered, you can play poker for money.
Online KUDAPOKER is regulated in several states. West Virginia, for instance, is open to operators, but its population is small. It is unlikely that the DoJ will appeal the last court ruling, allowing the state to enter into a shared liquidity agreement. Other states may also consider this option if their legislation allows for it.
The MSIGA (Multistate Interactive Gambling Agreement) between New Jersey, Delaware, and Nevada provides a model for future online poker agreements. While this agreement is still in its early stages, the states are likely to expand it into more states and build on its existing foundations. Online poker in Connecticut could see a surge in interest over the next few months, especially since shared liquidity will help Connecticut players play on multiple simultaneous sites.
The United States has a complicated legal system when it comes to online poker. Many states have legalized the activity, but some have not. Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania have legalized it, and Michigan and West Virginia have approved the practice and are expected to launch sites in early 2021. Because the laws are so complex, many online poker rooms have left the US in order to avoid these laws.